
User Journey Map Template

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User Journey Map

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About the User Journey Map Template

  • What is it?

    A user journey map is a visual representation of a user's experience with your product. Built around user personas, they document the steps, touchpoints, actions and emotions a user goes through as they navigate toward their goal. Not to be confused with customer journey mapping, which is broader and documents a user's experience with your entire brand, starting from awareness.

  • What's the purpose?

    The end goal of a user journey map is to improve UX and deliver a better experience for your users, making them essential for projects like developing a minimum viable product. This type of map helps you to address each individual pain point by making clear where they are, what causes them and allowing you to assign internal ownership for getting them resolved.

  • Who uses it?

    These are mostly used by product designers and managers, UX/UI teams as well as product developers.

  • Best practices

    One persona per user journey map so you can optimize the journey for each user type. Once you find an area of friction, improve it by breaking it down further into a user flow for each task of (use these user flow diagram examples as a guide).