
About Kelsey Rosauer

Kelsey Rosauer

Kelsey Rosauer is a marketing brand specialist in the health insurance SaaS (software-as-a-service) world. In her day-to-day, she’s planning and creating content, social media strategizing, and designing positive user experiences on the web. With a background in marketing and digital advertising, her passion lies in educating consumers through helpful content.

2 articles

  • Freelance Writers

    How & Where to Hire Freelance Writers

    Content marketing is huge. In 2018, 91% of B2B marketers used content marketing, and 82% of B2C marketers found it to be a key strategy for success. And yet, 60% of people find it difficult to create content consistently. Even if today’s theme is, “everybody’s a writer”, that doesn’t make everybody a good writer. It doesn’t mean that everybody’s content is going to produce results for your business, like generating leads or converting prospects. Continue reading
    Updated August 4, 2022 11 min read
  • heatmap blog

    5 Heatmapping Apps That Improve UX and Increase Conversions

    Have you ever walked through a department store and wondered why in the world they organized it the way they did? You become frustrated because what you thought was going to be a 15-minute in-and-out trip turned into a 45-minute scavenger hunt for your grocery list. This is what happens when you don’t take user experience into account, and it happens within physical stores but also on the web, all the time. Continue reading
    Updated August 4, 2022 8 min read