The way we organize and present information has a direct impact on user experience (UX). Information architecture provides the structure, while UX design focuses on how users feel when interacting… Continue reading
What’s the main difference between information architecture and a sitemap? Information architecture is the structural design of content that ensures users find what they need, while a sitemap is a… Continue reading
Imagine a city without road signs or a building without a clear layout – navigating through them would be a nightmare. The same goes for a website, the structure is… Continue reading
It’s pretty well documented that the internet industry as a whole has a love affair with acronyms and naming things in weird ways. Sometimes very direct; other times, we end… Continue reading
Since the beginning of the internet, website developers and webmasters have tried to please search engine bots with various forms of keyword and linking strategies; from keyword stuffing to an emphasis on backlinks to a website. But website content hasn’t been the only victim of these tactics, as design and development, website architecture and site navigation have been impacted by what’s now considered black hat search engine optimization (SEO) techniques. Continue reading
When you’re tackling a new website built or redesign, and it’s time to think about your site’s navigation and information architecture, keep your audience language, literacy, and understanding in top of mind. Continue reading
Are you thinking of including an FAQ page on your next website project? There’s a good chance you are. The frequently asked questions page is a common feature of many websites - regardless of the industry. They serve as a single place for a website user to find answers to all the common questions they might have about your product, services, organization or other relevant topics. They make it easy for website users; but unfortunately, they are seldom executed correctly. Continue reading
So, you’ve been asked to build a website, and it’s far from small. At this point, the question isn’t “how will you build it,” it’s “how will you plan it.” Slickplan understands how hard it can be to plan large websites, and thankfully, has many tools to help you do just that. Continue reading
Nowadays, it is easy for many websites to focus solely on search engine optimization, yet ensuring easy navigation on your website is more important than many people realize. To the surprise of some, website navigation and SEO optimization go hand in hand, because easily navigable sites are easier to understand by search engines. Plus, when search engines understand your site's navigation, they are more likely to display it to the qualified end-users searching for your keywords. Continue reading
Adding a blog to your website, or maintaining one that is separate from it is much more than merely putting words on a screen. Just like any other website, it… Continue reading
When it comes to information architecture, there is a vast amount of information on the internet, but it is not always easy to discern which information is worth your time. Unfortunately, there aren’t many online sources that thoroughly teach the ins and outs of web design. Luckily there are some excellent published works that are well worth your time and money. Continue reading
So, you are all set. You’ve talked with the client (or yourself), and you have a good sense of what you are going to do. Now is the time to start organizing and diagramming your IA, right? Not so fast – before you begin, there are a few things to keep in mind. When it comes to website design, many people don’t recognize the amount of work that goes into it before you have a finished product. It’s almost like reality television. Sure you are watching it as it unfolds, but did you consider what may have happened before the show aired? Continue reading
Why do you need to understand the business for Information Architecture? The first reason is because it helps define the context of a page. Additionally, when you consider business goals, you help support the business, which is designed to support the users. It’s important to remember - there are business goals for every project, and money is often at its root. If you were designing for only want the user wanted and needed, there would be no need for anyone to pay for such products and services. There’d also be a lot fewer websites advertising them. Continue reading
You’ve probably heard the saying, ‘less is more’ but have you given any thought to how to apply that truism to your website? Sure, you want to create a well- designed site, but you also need to balance your design with something that will actually serve its purpose. Especially when talking about things such as landing and intro pages there is a thin line between busy and clean. In this blog post, I’ll discuss some ways to not only recognize clutter in your UI, but also stop it in its tracks. Continue reading
Information architecture wasn’t always a stand-alone function. When the Internet was still young, this responsibility was assigned to the webmaster. Now, as websites become more complex, many web teams need a dedicated individual to manage their site’s structure. The information architect not only thinks about what is on the site but also how the end user will interact with that information. If you are looking to build well-organized, user-friendly websites, understanding information architecture is a definite prerequisite. Thankfully, there are many ways to do so online. Continue reading
Your site is a collection of information built upon a defined Information Architecture, making it easy to navigate through. However, if you don’t know what content you have, it’s hard to put together a useful architecture. Whether you’re creating something from scratch or redesigning an existing site, completing a content audit will help you take stock of all of the information you need before you begin assessing IA. Continue reading
Multiple home pages could be the solution to your multi-site enterprise storefronts or the downfall of your small business. While there are certainly a number of substantial reasons for designing… Continue reading