
Illustrate Your Ideas with Design Mockups

design mockup sketch
Jenn Marie
Updated August 3, 2021 2 min read

Want to show off your ideas alongside your sitemap? Our design mockup feature lets you do just that. With it, you can quickly incorporate your own images inside Slickplan – all with the ease of a few clicks.

How should you use Design Mockups? Here’s three ideas:

1. Show What It Will Look Like

Whereas sitemaps explain, a design mockup depicts. Clearly show how your prototype, wireframe, layout or graphic looks prior to it going live. Impress clients with logo samples, visual elements, and style guides. The only limit is your imagination.

2. Share a Variety of Images Types

Whether you have a simple wireframe, an elaborate sketch or a fully polished mockup, it can be easily uploaded into your project. To connect your design to your sitemap, select design mockup from the drop-down page menu. You can upload almost any image file type, including .tiff, .jpeg and .png

3. Seek (and Receive) Feedback

Teams of any size will benefit from not only being able to see your design mockups but also by being able to comment directly on them. As your sitemap grows, PMs, UX designers, and developers will have a visual representation of what’s going on in one convenient place. This means fewer chances of “I didn’t know that’s what you meant” and more “That’s exactly what I wanted!”

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It’s A Work In Progress

Not “feeling” your first idea? With Slickplan, it’s okay if you don’t get it right the first time. You can have unlimited images attached to you work so create, tweak and create some more. Each iteration of your idea is tracked throughout the project, so you can quickly go back to plan A if plan D doesn’t work out as expected. There’s even plenty of space available for storing multiple ideas.‘

Our Design Mockup Utility is just one of many features that make Slickplan your all-in-one website planning solution. Before we built it, it was our most requested feature by Slickplan users, and it remains one of our favorites as well.

Do you use design mockups with your Slickplan projects? Let us know what you think! We love comments and feedback.

Jenn Marie

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