
SlickPlan – Custom Charts and Maps

SlickPlan - Custom Charts and Maps
Ian Lawson
Updated August 3, 2021 3 min read

Web designers and project managers have a need for tools that improve efficiency. Tools that increase efficiency allow web design firms the opportunities to grow their businesses by making it easier to handle and manage more accounts. Custom flowchart tools give a web design company a means to develop sitemaps quickly.

Manage growing sitemaps

As websites grow, it becomes difficult to keep up and maintain maps. The ability to guarantee timely updates of maps makes it easier for web design companies to be able to develop the sites on a continued basis as they grow. Designers can ensure that the maps for their clients remain updated at all times and reliable for indexing for search engines.

Managing site changes with reordering and restructuring

When the organizations change direction, the websites typically change to meet organizational needs. As different aspects of the sites have to be redesigned and certain attributes revisited, the maps require updated. Larger projects with increasing needs require a different level of attention. A productive tool like SlickPlan makes it easier to manage map updates for extremely active websites undergoing frequent updates as a part of a redesign project.

Multiple sites managed

Web design firms often run multiple design projects simultaneously to meet deadlines. In order to do this, a web design firm has to be able to keep projects on schedule. Productivity tools offered by SlickPlan make it easier to manage multiple large projects. Updates can be tracked and managed conveniently within the same interface by multiple team members assigned to a particular project.

Team management

Teams consisting of multiple individuals responsible for site upkeep and updating maps can be developed and managed within the SlickPlan web tool platform. Updates managed by multiple team members can be done in the collaborative tool. Multiple members can service the same project, editing and commenting on each design aspect along the way. The finished product can be shared through social media in Twitter and Facebook. Completed maps can even be shared once exported in multiple popular formats like PDF, CSV, and XML. Links to the completed map are hosted within the solution, providing yet another sharing option.

Branding simplified

Customization options permit web designers to exercise greater creative latitude in their projects. Branding each website uniquely through customization features make it possible to make each map unique using multiple features. The website management interface makes it easier to add logos and manipulate site colors to individualize each map. Different layers of a map can be color-coded differently as well, if the project requires branding and additional customization options.

The user-friendly design interface simplifies the map process through drag-and-drop methods. The visual cues direct the person through the sitemap creation process, giving individuals on all user levels a means to quickly create maps and flowcharts.
The Slickplan customized site-mapping and charting tool is designed for the web design company with a need to improve operational efficiency and productivity. By allowing multiple projects to be easily setup, tracked and manage by teams within a user-friendly interface, the design firm can service more websites effortlessly.

Ian Lawson

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