
Slickplan 2.0 is almost here! ⏰

Slickplan 2.0 UI

Next month we’ll be rolling out a brand new Slickplan. This update includes all of the tools and functionality you’ve come to rely on, coupled with new easy to use interfaces and plenty of new features to take website planning projects even further. It’s been a long journey to get here and we’re beyond excited to share with you how we got here and what you can expect!

The continued support from the Slickplan community has always been a driving force behind our innovation. Slickplan 2.0 is a reflection of their feedback and our team’s drive to push website planning further.

Ian Lawson

Ian, Product Manager

Your feedback mattered

From the very beginning, Slickplan’s users have been a crucial part of meeting our original goal to make information architecture easier and more collaborative. Along the way, you’ve opened our eyes to new ideas that have led to major upgrades, like adding a collaborative way to gather content for web pages and creating a diagram maker tool for user flows and process diagrams.

User Chat Feature Request

Providing and gathering feedback with more ease was something our customers often asked for. To improve their experience we introduced commenting on the shared sitemaps, making it possible to get feedback outside of the project team. Within our content planner, we added special fields where you can add guidelines or instructions to every block of content.


Konrad, Customer Support Specialist

We believe in a customer-centric approach and maintaining a strong focus on keeping our users satisfied, Slickplan 2.0 is the perfect example of that. For some time now we’ve gathered feedback, listened to feature requests and examined reported problems closely to uncover patterns that would ultimately lead to the best user experience possible on the brand new Slickplan.

Content Planner Commenting

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Data-driven design solutions

Once we collectively gathered feedback the real work began. Breaking down the functionality that provided the most value as well as finding out what caused the most frustration gave us a good place to start. From there we had a solid list of requirements and a good baseline to begin designing.

First, our design team used a collaborative approach to create low fidelity interactive mockups of the app and each module. A major focus was put on tighter integrations between tools like the Sitemap Builder, Diagram Maker, Content Planner and Design Mockup. These tools needed to act as one and provide a seamless user experience. Next, we deployed an iterative approach to the UX design so we could rapidly test our ideas internally to find the best solutions for common pain points.

Slickplan Sketch UI

Once the working prototypes were prepared we reached out to some of our most active users for help. This phase was the most insightful and provided a real look into how people would react to what we’d worked so hard on. Overall feedback was fantastic, it validated concepts and pointed out several shortcomings too.

I really wanted to have the recent activity information on the content planner to see exactly when something was done and you’ve added it! Now I have a clear dashboard showing me every website that we are currently working on in one place. Until now we had to click into every box to see if there was any work done. It’s very nice!

Adam Engel

Adam Engel, CEO at Running Robots

Improvements that will transform how you work

It’s been a remarkable journey and we’ve learned a lot about our users and their needs. In Slickplan 2.0, apart from the many improvements on our Sitemap Builder, we’ve focused heavily on content creation and diagrams to support the website planning process. Some of the main areas that we’ve targeted are:

Intuitive UI UX
An intuitive interface with refreshed UI and improved UX
Better module connection
A better connection between different modules for a seamless user experience
Template planning content
Templates for planning content to make life easier
Collaboration features
Better collaboration & communication features

Redesigning Slickplan was a huge challenge. The platform is way more powerful now and allows for easy collaboration with team members on big projects.


Jakub, Product Designer

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Stay tuned…

Slickplan 2.0 is a big step forward and we can’t wait to share it with all of you! Over the next few weeks, we’ll be releasing more information and dates as we prepare for a seamless transition, until then if you have any questions or comments feel free to reach out and contact us here.

Ian Lawson

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Comments (4)

Mae Beerman

Mae Beerman

Official comment
March 26, 2021

Our team was using GatherContent and then switched to EasyContent to remedy the lack of a strong content platform within Slickplan itself, but this seems very promising. Is there any way we can get a sneak peek into 2.0 to give us time to prepare internally?

Ian Lawson
Ian Lawson Official comment
March 27, 2021

Hi Mae, I think your team will happy with the update to the Content Planner. We could probably arrange for a quick demo (contact [email protected]). In about a week we'll be releasing another post with more information and details on new features. Additionally at launch we'll have a completely updated help desk with articles and videos for each tool to help your team get acclimated.


Guy Vindevogel

Official comment
March 26, 2021

Will the new version have more/better possibilties to copy content blocks you plan in the base language to other languages pages. In the actual version it requires to recreate them as I have never found a good and direct applicable way.

Ian Lawson
Ian Lawson Official comment
March 26, 2021

Hi Guy, Short answer is yes. Please reach out to [email protected]. One of our support staff members can show you how this will work and provide more details prior or post launch of Slickplan 2.0

Adam Engel

Adam Engel

Official comment
March 25, 2021

This looks amazing! We can't wait to see the new features. Please send me an email if you'd like some additional testing on our account. :)

Ian Lawson
Ian Lawson Official comment
March 26, 2021

Thanks Adam. We really appreciated your help!


Gill Wood

Official comment
March 24, 2021

Hi - will the new version have better notification functionality? A massive issue for us has been the lack of notifications when a collaborator makes an update/addition etc to a site map.

Ian Lawson
Ian Lawson Official comment
March 24, 2021

Hi Gill, Yes there are many updates to notifications. There are page level comments and also activity logs for the content planner.

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