
Gather content for websites: Expert advice in 9 steps

Create quality content faster with an optimized content gathering process.

Gather website content
Gather Content Without the Headaches (or Delays)

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  1. Chapter 1 What is a content gathering?
  2. Chapter 2 Why is gathering content efficiently important?
  3. Chapter 3 Get prepared to gather content
  4. Chapter 4 How to gather content for a website
  5. Chapter 5 Types of content to gather for a website
  6. Chapter 6 Gathering content for a new website vs active website
  7. Chapter 7 Tools to help you gather website content
  8. Chapter 8 Free website content templates

Chapter 1

What is a content gathering?

content gathering

content gathering • [kɑntɛnt gæðərɪŋ]

The process of collecting, organizing and preparing content that'll be presented to an audience, including text, images, videos and any other type of media required.


"Without an efficient content gathering process, it'd take our team two weeks longer to complete each website project"


  • gathering content
  • content collection
  • asset collection
  • content aggregation

Chapter 2

Why is gathering content efficiently important?

Editing website copy inside a design tool

Chapter 3

Get prepared to gather content

Building a content inventory on a spreadsheet with the visual sitemap behind for reference
Two webpages, one atop the other
Google Analytics data showing web traffic and the countries from which most of it comes
Google Analytics data ranking pages by total users and conversions
Two charts showing various channels of inbound traffic and their amounts
Analytics for bounces, sessions and the overall bounce rate per page
Google SERP page with top result highlighted with Yoast SEO inset for title and meta description
One chart documenting time on page, another highlighting more granular time on  page and engagement
One Semrush chart showing backlinks over time, another showcasing new and lost backlinks over time

Chapter 4

How to gather content for a website

Plan smarter content with Slickplan

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Chapter 5

Types of content to gather for a website

Highly recommended

  • Page text
  • Page images
  • Page video and audio
  • Files for download
  • Tabular data
  • Keyworded URLs


  • Meta descriptions
  • Page headings
  • Image alt tags
  • Internal links
  • Keywords for optimization


  • HTML ID and class
  • Existing page visits
  • Conversions
  • Social shares
  • Bounce rates
  • Outbound links

Chapter 6

Gathering content for a new website vs active website

New website content 🌟

Create a website content plan

Set up a content gathering workflow

Build a system for approvals and publishing

Active website content 🟢

Audit existing content on the website

Review your content management process

Build a plan for future site content

Chapter 7

Tools to help you gather website content

What you need for a content gathering ecosystem

A properly managed workflow requires more than one tool to get raw content in the door and turned into polished site content. Content collection is part of your broader web design and development operation and many people are going to need access to what's gathered.

To that end, you'll want to use a suite of tools that work together to make everyone's life easier. That means considering tools for storage, project management and communication as well as research tools to guide the content you'll be collecting resources for.

Chapter 8

Free website content templates

About us page template About us page template Blog post template Blog post template Contact page template Contact page template Landing page template Landing page template Product catalog template Product catalog template Product page template Product page template Services page template Services page template Team page template Team page template Discover more free content templates

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Bring content planning and creation under one roof with Slickplan—a centralized workspace to simplify content development that integrates into your CMS of choice.

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Remove the chaos from creating content by building a better workflow. Follow our guide and get recommendations of the best tools to use from research to publication.

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Content gathering without the clutter

Neil Kulas

We were using GatherContent and it was fine but not nearly as useful as Slickplan. In the past I was juggling several different apps and now I don’t have to!

Neil Kulas, Web Designer at Tobii Dynavox Cause