
About Erin Schroeder

Erin Schroeder

Erin Schroeder is a senior content strategist and writer at Geonetric, where she helps healthcare brands organize user-first websites, content marketing, and brand messaging. As a former journalist, she never lost her love to write. You'll also see her articles on content strategy and user experience around the web, including UX Collective, UX Booth, and Prototypr.

24 articles

  • Kanban and Scrum for UX Designers

    Understanding Kanban & Scrum Tactics for UX Designers

    If you’ve been even remotely around or in the website and software development industry in the last 20 years, you’ve heard of Agile. Agile principles focus on self-organized teams delivering… Continue reading
    Updated August 4, 2022 13 min read
  • Buttons for Web Design

    Designing Buttons for the Web – Guide & Examples for 2020

    Buttons on the web are an integral part of user experience. Their goal is to inspire conversion and action from the person on the other side of the screen. But when they’re not implemented well - either in design or copy - they may not be getting any attention at all. As a user experience (UX) professional, it’s important to know how to best design buttons for the web in 2020. Continue reading
    Updated December 3, 2021 10 min read
  • 5 Content Trends

    5 Content Management Trends Emerging in 2020

    Content management is on the rise with the demands of content resources constantly evolving across organizations. Read about how you can respond to content management trends in 2018, from watching on the sideline to preparing for adoption into your content culture. Continue reading
    Updated December 3, 2021 6 min read
  • mobile first blog

    Understanding Mobile First Design Strategy in 2024

    In 2015, Google announced and rolled out their “mobile-friendly” algorithm update, which meant mobile-friendly and responsive websites would get prioritized in rankings for better user experience (UX). Web administrators around the world prepared for the shift, and it took on a trending name, “Mobilegeddon.” Google even rolled out a mobile-friendly testing tool to help people check the mobile health of their website. Continue reading
    Updated August 29, 2024 10 min read
  • Web Design Salary

    The web designer salary (and career) guide

    The web design career is growing, but what can web designers expect for salaries in today’s climate? More importantly, how does one become a successful web designer, and what options are out there for career satisfaction? This web design salary guide for 2018 can help answer those questions. Continue reading
    Updated August 1, 2024 13 min read
  • Conferences

    2020 Conferences You Don’t Want to Miss: Design, Content Strategy, & Digital Marketing

    If you’re eager for a road trip in 2019 or in the future, why not visit a new place and learn new stuff about design, content strategy, or digital marketing in the process? There are hundreds of conferences sprinkled across the United States and around the world that focus on content and content strategy, design and development, accessibility, search engine optimization, and more. But how do you choose where to put your money and time? Continue reading
    Updated August 4, 2022 8 min read
  • Sketch Blog

    Best Sketch Wireframe Kits to Get Your Project Started

    You’ve pushed through discovery: user research, stakeholder input, content audits, and more. Now it’s time to put the information architecture together in a responsive design that meets the needs of a hungry audience. Wireframes are not a new concept in this world. Wireframes set the stage for any final product or invention. Blueprints for homes and buildings serve as wireframes; in prototyping for products, they’re often displayed in three-dimensional formats, like with computer-assisted design (CAD) drawings. Continue reading
    Updated July 30, 2022 7 min read
  • googlebot

    Website Architecture: Users vs. Googlebot & What the Pros Think

    Since the beginning of the internet, website developers and webmasters have tried to please search engine bots with various forms of keyword and linking strategies; from keyword stuffing to an emphasis on backlinks to a website. But website content hasn’t been the only victim of these tactics, as design and development, website architecture and site navigation have been impacted by what’s now considered black hat search engine optimization (SEO) techniques. Continue reading
    Updated September 16, 2024 12 min read
  • 15 tips for wireframing

    15 Tips for Creating Efficient Wireframes

    As you approach a design project, you no doubt want to dive in and put your creativity to work. But before you identify a color palette, logo, and imagery, it’s best to start with a wireframe. Wireframes a crucial step in developing UI, or user interface. Wireframes are a simple, often black-and-white display of how page elements will look on a screen. It drives the UI that will lead the design. Continue reading
    Updated September 7, 2021 10 min read
  • Favicon Blog

    5 Creative Uses for Your Website Favicon

    Do we even remember a time before favicons? Those little emoji-sized logos we see in our browser tabs and windows are often overlooked, but essential to a brand’s full experience online. However, favicons are more than just an essential brand element: They’re also vital for users who like to bookmark. These little icons help identify bookmarks quickly and easily. If your brand grows, your favicon can even become more recognizable than your logo. Continue reading
    Updated September 19, 2024 7 min read
  • RFP Blog

    10 Checklist Tips for an Optimal Web Design Proposal Template

    Congratulations! Your web design experience has brought clients to your door, asking for your services. And no doubt, they’re requesting specific functionality, design preferences, brand direction, and more in their request for your expertise. Often, these requests come in the form of an RFP, or a request for proposal. RFPs sometimes proceed RFIs, or request for information, which is the process of learning about your design process, communication with clients, troubleshooting, and more. Continue reading
    Updated August 8, 2024 11 min read
  • Technical SEO Blog

    Technical SEO: Low Hanging Fruit Blocking Your Website’s Success

    Everyone knows the value of content and words on a page. From page titles and meta descriptions to body copy, the words you use to describe your products, services, and brand are paramount to connect target users from search to your website. Although, while on-page keyword optimization is important, there’s a lot of off-page optimization happening that can greatly impact the success -- or failure -- of your site’s visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs). Continue reading
    Updated July 18, 2022 10 min read
  • Audience IA Blog

    Audience Language Should Guide Your Information Architecture

    When you’re tackling a new website built or redesign, and it’s time to think about your site’s navigation and information architecture, keep your audience language, literacy, and understanding in top of mind. Continue reading
    Updated September 10, 2021 6 min read
  • Metrics Blog

    How to Interpret Your Website Metrics

    There are plenty of metrics to keep an eye on in Google Analytics, but what do they mean and how can you interpret them? Check out these tips to impactful metrics and how they can help you improve your website’s experience for your target users. Continue reading
    Updated May 23, 2024 9 min read
  • Navigation Blog

    Navigation is For Your Users, Not Your C-Suite

    It’s not about them, it’s about everyone else. You’ll say this a lot when you work with your C-suite on setting navigation priorities. Follow these tips to keep them involved, but informed, about the best direction for your site’s IA and overall user experience. Continue reading
    Updated September 14, 2021 9 min read
  • Mobile Apps

    5 Ways Slickplan Can Help You Build a Better Mobile App

    Google’s 2018 mobile-first algorithm shook up the game of search results, rewarding mobile-friendly apps, and websites with better ranking. But did you get left behind? If you’re in the process of catching up to this major change, these five tips can help you strategize your app development and implement change using Slickplan’s suite of solutions. Continue reading
    Updated September 16, 2024 9 min read
  • voice search

    Voice Search: It’s Here. Is Your Content Ready?

    Voice search is on the upswing around the world, but optimizing for this new shift in artificial intelligence (AI) and users on-the-go with voice-friendly devices shifts the way we marketers need to consider how we write and deliver content. Is your content ready for the voice evolution? Find out how to home in and focus on what matters to Siri, Alexa, and more. Continue reading
    Updated February 14, 2024 7 min read
  • User-First Generations

    What Different Generations Need From User-First Design

    Website design should always start with an understanding of your target user. But besides your personas and their goals or aspirations, what does their age or generation say about how they use the web? These tips can help you design your user-first web experience for children, teens, adults, and seniors. Continue reading
    Updated September 16, 2024 10 min read
  • Web Design Cost

    How Much Should You Pay for a Web Design?

    You or your organization know it’s time to design or redesign your website. But what can you expect for these types of costs in 2018? Whether you choose a DIY platform or a professional designer, the costs and benefits vary for each and a process should be considered to make the right choice. Continue reading
    Updated September 14, 2021 9 min read
  • Local Listings Blog

    Why Your Local Listings Matter to SEO Strategy

    You see them on the sidebars of your favorite search engines: Local listings. If you’re not claiming your business’s local listings across the many digital platforms including social media and search engines, you may be missing opportunities to quickly deliver what your potential customers are looking for. Check out these tips for claiming and creating effective local listings to boost your SEO. Continue reading
    Updated July 18, 2022 8 min read
  • Stakeholder Blog

    How to Talk to (and Interview) Your Stakeholders

    Your stakeholders have opinions and feedback that can drive digital initiatives in your organization. But have you asked them to speak up? Learn how to talk to your stakeholders and make them a valuable component to your next successful digital project. Continue reading
    Updated September 9, 2021 6 min read
  • dropdown menu blog

    Dropdown Menus: Best Use Cases

    There are many opinions about dropdown menus -- some developers love them, other developers hate them. But studies have found that in several cases, they can benefit the user experience. Learn best practices to develop the most accessible and user-friendly dropdown navigation experience for your audience. Continue reading
    Updated July 28, 2021 7 min read
  • GDPR

    Preparing for Success with the General Data Protection Regulation

    In an era of far-reaching user data breaches from banking to social networks, the European Union (EU) is set to initiate its April 2016-approved legislation known as the General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR. This is a bold move in the right direction for consumers whose information is spread far and wide on the internet, whether it’s logging into apps on smartphones, or providing personal data to companies for products and services. Continue reading
    Updated November 19, 2021 9 min read
  • Chatbot

    Chatbots: A New Website User Experience

    Your site is a collection of information built upon a defined Information Architecture, making it easy to navigate through. However, if you don’t know what content you have, it’s hard to put together a useful architecture. Whether you’re creating something from scratch or redesigning an existing site, completing a content audit will help you take stock of all of the information you need before you begin assessing IA. Continue reading
    Updated September 19, 2024 7 min read